Categories: Articles Ongles

[ad_1] So you’ve been dedicating yourself to building, bulking and sculpting that beautiful body – sweating and pumping and seeing fast, wonderful results in your physique. Then oops, what are those purple streaks on your gorgeous developing pecs? Those are stretch marks. Surprise! What, you thought only pregnant women and fat people got them? Nope, they can happen to anyone and body building is a big cause. In fact, most body builders suffer from them mostly due to not knowing how to prevent them.Not all bodybuilders can prevent them since genetics plays a large role. Some will get them no matter what, some never do, but there are steps you can take that will go far in preventing them and reducing the appearance of ones you might already have. You’ve spent all that time and effort on your body – don’t let skin imperfections mar the results!What causes bodybuilding stretch marks?…

[ad_1] Almost ready to plank your model ship? Not quite. Let’s finish off the discussion on framing. Before the wales and the planks can be attached, all of the frames need to be beveled correctly. This means that the outside edges of all the frames are angled to a greater or lesser extent to follow the run of the hull so as to provide a solid support for the strakes. In English you say! Alright -the bulkheads at mid ship will be square but beveled toward either the bow or stern in the direction of the bow or the stern and the amount of bevel will increase as you get closer to either end. This is done so that the planks will have as much bonding area with the bulkheads as possible. The angle of the bevel is usually found on the waterline drawing. It’s better to do a rough beveling…

[ad_1] Discover the white tea benefits! This tea comes from the buds and young leaves of the Camelia sinuses plant, grown in China. There are four main varieties of white tea: Silver Needle, (Bai Hao Yinzhen), White Peony, (Bai Mudan), Long life eyebrow, (Shou Mei) and Tribute Eyebrow, (Gong Mei). The most popular and finest of these is the Silver Needle, (Bai Hao Yinzhen), white tea. White tea is a clear liquid, zero calorie, drink. It was the preferred tea of the Chinese royalty. Today, it’s widely available around the world. It has a delicate, light, slightly, sweet flavor.WHITE TEA BENEFITS FOR SKIN: Anti-bacterial, Contains Antioxidants, High Catechin Content, Protects from UV lightWhen white tea is used in skin care products, such as soaps, lotions or creams, it can provide numerous benefits! Its antioxidants benefits help reverse the visible signs of aging, (fine lines, wrinkles, discolorations and spots). The powerful antioxidants…

[ad_1] Weather Watch or StormGuard Leak Barriers.Use either Weather Watch or StormGuard Leak Barriers. Weather Watch Leak Barriers offers these features…a mineral surface for better traction, Fiberglass reinforced for added strength, 1.5 squares or 2.0 squares per roll, split back release film which makes for an easier installation, Repositionable Weather Watch Leak Barrier is designed to be set in place and repositioned if need be, it is less likely to stick itself, it uses a time released adhesive that reduces hassles if material folds on itself during the installation, seals to almost any surface, seals to all the critical areas, seals nails, staples, and seals to plumbing vent pipes.StormGuard Leak Barrier features a good traction in heat film surface, it is fiberglass reinforced for extra strength, 2.0 squares per roll, split back release film which makes it easy to install, of course it is repositionable if need be. And as it…

[ad_1] There is no other envied skin than the babies have. Baby’s skin is soft, smooth and flawless. As they grow a little older, their skin changes. Due to cuts, wounds and scratches acquire while playing and perhaps due to accident they develop scars. As parents, you only want the best skin for your children. And as much as possible, you want get to rid of the scars and bring back their baby’s skin. The question arises whether glycolic acid lotion can be used for children? Glycolic acid is the mildest hydroxyacetic acid (AHA) that exfoliates the skin. It is a common connotation that exfoliating will lighten the skin and eventually cause the disappearance of scars and flaws. If you undergo exfoliating on a regular basis depending on your skin condition, this will hold true. Exfoliation removes upper layer of the skin and reveals a new one.Normally, parents apply lotion unto their…

[ad_1] Here are 7 questions that most teaching interviewers use. You spent years preparing to be a teacher so why not invest 10 more minutes to create an interview advantage that will get you the job?Question #1: Tell me a little bit about yourself.What to Avoid: Giving too much personal detail about yourself, your hobbies, or talking too long.They ask this to get an overview of you and how you meet their requirements. It’s also used as disqualification question for those who share personal details that have no relevance to the teaching position. Keep your responses focused on how you meet their needs.Before you write out your answer to this question, start by identifying what they most want in a new teacher from their job posting. What are the key words they use? Make sure those words make it into the summary of yourself when they ask. Don’t take this question…

[ad_1] There are already a wide range of breast implants in the field of plastic surgery, which are used to model the appearance and size of the patient's breasts. What is really important to know from the very first moment is that each material behaves differently, offering different vitality, as well as different strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, there is no "perfect implant", only one that suits you and your body best. However, there are some differences related to the content of the implant and the place of the incision. First of all, saline implants have always been used for creating a coated silicone material in which serum is injected. This kind of surgery is especially suitable for women who have undergone breast removal surgery due to breast cancer. In this case, the entire process lasts for about several months. In cases…

[ad_1] Banana oil offers numerous benefits. It’s sweet fruity fragrance is used a variety of ways. It’s found in soaps, lotions, creams, candles, paints, potpourri, shampoos, conditioners, foods and perfumes. It’s used to soften leather, make rayon fabric, make penicillin and for aromatherapy benefits. Banana oil can be natural or synthetic. There is a slight difference between the two. The natural version has a rich, sweet, fruity scent while the synthetic version is lighter.What is banana oil and where does it come from? It’s a colorless liquid compound formed from isoamyl alcohol and acetic acid. It’s chemical compound name is isoamyl acetate. It’s made either naturally from the banana plant or synthetically. Some mistaken the banana plant for a tree due to its large size. It’s main stem can grow about twenty feet tall with large leaves. It thrives in hot and sunny conditions producing bunches or clusters of bananas.Banana oil…

[ad_1] Do you long for smoother skin, fuller lips or larger eyes? We are not all blessed with perfect features and we all want to make the most of our looks. Even the most beautiful models feel that they can make improvements, and often do, so why should not we? The problem is that for most of us the more expensive solutions are not an option. Do not despair, here are some reliable and affordable beauty tips that may help you to achieve that 'star' look on a budget: – Mix your favorite foundation 1: 1 with your day cream for a home – made tinted moisturizer. – Use white eyeliner, on lower inner eyelids, to make your eyes appear larger. – Dab gloss or shimmer on the center of your lips to accentuate your pout.…

[ad_1] Back in 1597, John Gerard, a famous English herbalist, talked about the healing properties of cucumber, recommending that eating a soup made with cucumber and oatmeal three times a day would combat a fiery and pimply complexion. Since then there has been much anecdotal evidence to suggest that this much used vegetable is helpful in reducing the facial redness and swelling of rosacea. Here I will look at why cucumber is a cool remedy for rosacea and how to apply it to the skin.History of cucumber Cucumber (cucumis sativus) enjoys a long history, being one of the oldest plants known to humankind, cultivated in southern India for the last 4,000 years or so. It is even mentioned in the Bible (Numbers 11:5) where the children of Israel, when leaving Egypt, lamented that they remembered the fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic that they had ate freely. The Greeks and Romans…

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