If you’ve ever been hypnotized before, you’ll know that your hypnotic state varies from session to session. This can be a result of a number of different things and isn’t in any way unusual.
But what can you do to help if you want to go into a deep hypnosis state?
1. Don’t try too hard
Oftentimes, the more we try to get something, the more it conspires to stay just out of our reach. Relax. Accept that you may or may not go into deep hypnosis this session and be cool with whatever happens.
2. Relax
The more you let yourself relax the easier it is to slip into a hypnotic trance. Deep breaths help, even if the session you’re listening to doesn’t specifically tell you to take a deep breath now.
3. Calm your mind
Mind chatter can often stop us from reaching those really deep hypnotic states. Most of us have some kind of mind chatter running most of the time. If yours sounds like you’re in the middle of a busy party, it’s time to start calming your mind and reducing the chatter that’s going on in it. Otherwise you’ll get distracted. Sometimes it’s as simple as telling the chatter to stop but you may need to do some work in this area before you can drift down into the deeper hypnotic states.
4. Go deeper when you’re told to go into trance
Most hypnosis sessions take you into your trance one step at a time. But there’s no law that says this has to be the case. Experiment with going 5 or 10 or 100 times deeper each time your hypnosis session takes you down a level. Even if you don’t manage to go as deep as you hoped this can be quite fun to play with!
5. Keep practicing
Like most things we do, practice helps. Once your mind knows that hypnosis is safe, you’re quite likely to find yourself going into deeper trances anyway because you won’t be fighting off as many worries about what could happen.
Source de Trevor Johnson
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