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[ad_1] It’s easy to pace ahead with a nail art if you use your skills and think creatively. But, if you are new, then you should scroll ahead to know some tricks you can implement easily.Paint tow base coat layersTo prevent tips from chipping, you should first paint the topmost half portion only. Later, once the nails have dried, move on with the second coat. At this point of time, ensure that you cover the entire nail. This technique would help the polish to adhere to the surface and aid you achieve a long-lasting effect.Use white nail polishUnless and until the gel nail polish is opaque in nature, a natural tint may change the color shade. So, to make the nails look attractive, you can first use white polish and then proceed with the colored polish.Paint by using plastic bagNo matter how you wish to go about the design, if the…

[ad_1] Personal cleanliness is a universal concern. However, while everyone will spend time maintaining their personal hygiene, not all methods and products are made equal. For individuals who are looking for a simple and luxurious clean, there are few products with more class and history than Camay Soap.Camay Bar Soap is a classic bar soap that is renowned for being pure and gentle, leaving skin not only clean but fresh and soft as well. This soap stands out from other bar soaps with its distinctive pink appearance and light, floral scent. For added appeal, Camay not only strips out the dyes and additives of other soaps, but relies on natural moisturizers to keep skin from drying out after washing. In this way, Camay Soap promotes skin health at all ages, contributing to a superior complexion.Manufactured by Procter & Gamble, Camay Bath Soap has been offered in stores since the 1920s. It…

[ad_1] The hair removal technique known as threading is a very ancient hair removal method that is still being practised in countries in the Middle East and Asia. Although it originated from this part of the world the removal of body and facial hair is very much a part of our day to day life for people the world over who are always on the look out for painless, quick and efficient and cost-effective ways of removing hair.In fact threading has become so popular in Western countries it is not uncommon to find beauty and personal grooming salons offering the technique to their clients.The technique itself is quite simple but does need some practice to do it well while not causing pain. While it is similar in nature to plucking and tweezing, it is often used in preference to these two techniques because of the ease in removing hair in…

[ad_1] Ridges in fingernails is a condition that should not be ignored as it can tell you if there is a health problem, even though you have no symptoms. The fingernails will change color with different medical conditions and every imperfection in them has a meaning, such as kidney disease or a heart problem.If your nail color changes to yellow and becomes swollen, this indicates that there may be a problem with the respiratory system. Another condition with the nails that indicates a health problem is nail clubbing. This is generally a result of low levels of oxygen and is also a sign of lung disease. It can also indicate a problem with the liver and bowel.The ridges in the fingernails can run in both horizontal and vertical directions and have different interpretations. If the ridges in the fingernails are vertical, then it is unlikely that there is a serious health…

[ad_1] If you are looking for a teeth whitening gel then you have a variety of options available to you. There are many ways to deliver the gel and different types of gels to choose from as well. Below I will look at some of the systems and give my opinions on how good they are. One of the most popular systems out on the market today are teeth whitening strips. These strips have the gel already in them. The gel is pretty gentle on the teeth and the results are rather effective. The only problem I have experienced with the white strips, is that they tend to slip out of place a lot. You need to wear these strips for up to an hour a day, and when they are constantly slipping out of place this can turn out to…

[ad_1] Hair removal is an annoying task and with so many options to choose from, the task becomes even more difficult. This article sheds light on 3 latest methods of hair removal and discusses their pros and cons in detail, so that you can make an informed decision.Laser epilation – Pros and ConsLaser epilation or laser hair removal involves the use of a laser beam to remove unwanted hair from a person’s body. It’s considered to be one of the most effective ways for permanent hair removal. You must be aware of the various advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal:Advantages– Laser hair removal is long lasting. It brings about a permanent reduction in hair growth – The hair that re-grows is of lighter color and has a thinner textureIf performed by professional experts, this procedure is very safeIt is generally used on larger areas of the body that have more hair…

[ad_1] Whether you are dressing up for a party or a social gathering, you can always color your nails with a nail polish. Since a long time, there’s has always been a difference between gel polish and regular nail polish. While both forms help you give a presentable look to your nails, the polish differs in its composition and the way it is used.CompositionKnown as varnish, regular nail polish is nothing but a colored liquid which is a little bit viscous. As far as the composition is concerned, these are made up of nitrocellulose dissolved in solvents like ethyl acetate or butyl acetate. Additionally, the polish includes silver halides, solvents, resins, plasticizers and coloring pigments. On the other hand, gel nail polish is composed of a base gel and is highly viscous in nature. It’s a semisolid colloidal suspension in which the solid is mixed in the liquid. Once a coat…

[ad_1] The best advice I can offer on how to properly care for a new tattoo is NOT TO USE LOTION ON A FRESH TATTOO! Most tattoo artists advise their clients to use a rich ointment for the first few days of healing, followed by unscented, colorless lotions to keep the skin moisturized, protected, and prevent color fading. These lotions are relatively cheap and available at your local drugstore. However, almost all of these lotions contain ingredients that are recently proven to be more harmful than beneficial for tattoo health. Here are 5 tips for tattoo aftercare:1. Gently Cleanse, Stay out of the sun, and away from heat- During the healing and aftercare process, which may take several weeks, gently cleanse the tattoo daily with fragrance-free, anti-bacterial body soap and luke warm water. For the first few days, no sun, swimming, sweating, or dirt. Keep your tattoo dry and clean. For…

[ad_1] I think that the worst feeling in the world is to see your freshly painted nails get dented or spoiled due to silly reasons. That is the major reason for UV gel nails to become an instant fad. It’s here to change your entire life. They are bulletproof, quick, glossy and that shine ain’t going anywhere for two weeks. This polish fix which is too quick seems surreal for many. It’s an obsession that women are not ready to give up any time soon.Whether getting it done at the salon or doing it in private, they all are doing it. Women maintain a love-hate relation with this art since some creativity turn out to be good and some do not. But fortunately we cannot say the same for UV gel nails, they look pretty hot each time.Besides, we ladies send mails and cook delicious food; we want to do it…

[ad_1] Do you find that your skin has lost its luster?   Let’s face it, radiant and fresh-looking skin is sometimes hard to achieve. You want your skin tone to be as even as possible.  Your skin should be supple, soft, and blemish-free. To get that look you’ve always wanted, you might have already resorted to using certain commercial creams. But improving your complexion isn’t always as straightforward or safe as you may think. There are many dangerous substances included in popular skin whitening creams that you may not know about.Let’s take a look at some of the things you must remain cautious of if you’re considering using a skin whitener. Be on the lookout for the following harmful ingredients:1.  Mercury derivatives – Absorbing these substances through your skin can lead to serious kidney problems, mental problems such as irritability and depression, and neurotoxic problems such as hearing and speech problems and…




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