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[ad_1] Milia are tiny little bumps or cyst that appear under the skin usually on the chin and nose area that both adults and children can get. They may appear like acne pimples, but they are really a completely different type of skin breakout. The white bumps may also affect the gums and roof of the mouth of babies. Each body part could be influenced by other milia, and are also common in people who are prone to skin damage due to the heat of the sun. The may appear as reddened or inflamed spots, as well as the usual tiny white or yellow colored bumps. They are usually about one or two millimeters in size and can show up as single bumps or in cluster.What causes Milia?Milia are usually caused by dead skin cells, which are trapped on the surface of the skin of a person. They are often appearing…

[ad_1] Many people are suffering from nail fungus infection. This fungus belongs with the dermatophytes group which infects keratin of both humans and animals.Nail fungus is not harmful. However, it causes nails to change in color and to deform. When you see a yellowish strips under the nail or white strips on the nail surface it is because of fungus. Other signs of nail fungal infections are nail thickening, weakening and breaking of nails.Severe cases of nail fungus can cause fungus infection to spread to the surrounding skin on fingers and toes. This often result to inflammation, irritation and redness of the fingers or toes. Severe cases are quite painful and have an unpleasant odor due to decays.Early symptoms of nail fungus infection can be easily detected and immediate treatment is needed. Do not wait for the nails to start breaking off before treating them. It is easier to treat nail…

[ad_1] Is it YOU, or your job?We’ve all met people who just loved their jobs, no matter what they were doing…and people who hated everything about their jobs. So it job happiness/satisfaction a result of personality or natural disposition? Or maybe just good fit of person to job?It is also tempting to NOT be happy on purpose, so that you purposely don’t over look bad work conditions or settle for stuff that needs to be improved.Here are 6 characteristics happy workplaces. How many of these does your job promote? Opportunity for personal control. Jobs where you are able to plan your own schedule and do tasks when it best suits you promote happiness and a feeling of control. Jobs with a variety of tasks. It can be hard to do the same thing all day, every day with no variety. Does your job allow you to be flexible and change tasks when one…

[ad_1] Why would you want to tan your underarms, anyway. If you want to make sure that your skin color looks natural, then you should even it out by tanning under your arms.If you want to tan your underarms naturally, the best way would be to do it outdoors on a sunny day. Lie down on a pool lounge, lift up your arms, and let the sun radiate its ultraviolet rays onto your underarms for about a half hour, depending on the sun rays’ intensity.This natural method is the way to go in tropical climates with almost permanent sunny weather. But, depending on your location, you can also try alternative methods, which are also highly effective, and fairly simple to do.Self-Tanning LotionsIn order to use self-tanning lotions, you need to do some research about the best ones available in stores, or on the internet. Once you decide on the one that…

[ad_1] I am a Chiropodist, or Podiatrist (depending on where you live) and I feel that the public need to be educated away from some « health gurus ».Some of these health people are just the general public and some are unqualified clinicians. I have no quibbles in other health professionals talking about footcare, I don’t, honest, but you really have to give the patient true advice, and not just « what you think ». Many books and many websites do not convey the true treatment, cause and actually if the nail is fungus or not. Scary but very true.The role of the toenail fungus has been widely exaggerated to a point where there are now miracles happening. Anything ranging from the odd « cure your fungus in a day » to some really dangerous « new remedy that I perfected, that the Doctors don’t want you to hear ».Facts are these: Your toenails grow at a staggeringly slow…

[ad_1] A lot of modern beauty salons today are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for doing practically anything you wish to be done with your hair from getting a perm to hair coloring, hair extensions, hair straightening, hair re-bonding, hot oil, and so on. Beauty salons also offer a wide range of beauty services aside from hair styling such as manicure, pedicure, facials, massage, hair removal, tanning services, and even full-scale spa treatments.Types of beauty salonsThere are different types of beauty salons and one way to categorize them is by price range: low, middle, and upscale. There are walk-in facilities that do not require an appointment and are usually lower priced than the upscale beauty salons. These types are usually homegrown neighborhood salons and are ideal for the person on-the-go who wants a simple trim or a basic haircut or a wash-and-wear hairstyle. These salons may be a bit limited in…

[ad_1] There is no doubt every woman desires to have to have beautiful skin. The beauty industry will never collapse because women all over the world are constantly on the search for the miracle product that can give them glowing, beautiful skin. Yet, to have a lasting transformation on our complexion, we should pay attention to our diet and nutritionIt is believed that a raw food diet has the ability to feed our skin with the vital nutrients to give us the radiant look. As raw food did not go through the cooking process, much of its living enzymes and vitamins are still intact, hence eating raw food is able to provide our skin with moisture. And, we all know that well moisturized skin is more resistant to wrinkles formation.The condition of our skin is a good indication of our internal health. Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to…

[ad_1] Shellac, the Power Polish from CND, has taken salons by storm! Clients are now turning their backs on the traditional wet nail polishes and instead opting for a professionally applied UV polish.This article will refer to CND Shellac in the most part, as that is the product I use professionally myself and am most familiar with. The principles discussed here though will apply to most gel polish ranges such as Gelish, Geleration, OPI Gel Color, Gelux etc.Shellac is a great product that lasts well without chipping or peeling with normal wear and tear. While some describe it as armour for your nails it is important to remember that it isn’t indestructible! In order for the polish to last the designed two weeks, or longer, you need to look after your nails.But it is not just about looking after your nails, the process starts much earlier than that – you need…

[ad_1] Onychorrhexis is a very long and technical name for brittle nails. Nails that peel and or break easily would likely be suffering from onychorrhexis and understanding the nails and the body will help in coping with onychorrhexis.Both the fingernails and toenails are made up of protein layers and like the texture, strength and thickness of an individual’s hair; the thickness of the nail is largely hereditary. Some people are genetically inclined to thin brittle nails, though some health conditions, environmental factors and the aging process can also contribute to onychorrhexis. Heath conditions that can result in brittle nails include Raynaud’s syndrome, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, and malnutrition. Environmental factors that can lead to brittle nails include frequent hand washing, prolonged exposure to dry and or cold air, and excessive exposure to chemicals such as nail polish remover; all which are extremely drying.If you have experienced an inability to grow out your nails,…

[ad_1] There are many benefits of using a beauty salon. When thinking of this, many people think only of the well-known services, such as hair and nail care. However, there are many benefits offered at these boutiques that can add a unique experience to each of your visits. Here are six benefits of using a salon.Stress relief – With the busy lives of everyone today – working two jobs, children, school and managing household duties, it is important to alleviate stress as much as possible. One of the greatest benefits of going to a salon is the pampering you receive when you get there. It is your time to relax and let someone else be in charge for a little while. Whether you are having your hair styled, a manicure or pedicure, you will benefit from the massages, water, heat, and pressure to your skin that these services require.Custom Recommendations -…




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