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Milia are tiny little bumps or cyst that appear under the skin usually on the chin and nose area that both adults and children can get. They may appear like acne pimples, but they are really a completely different type of skin breakout. The white bumps may also affect the gums and roof of the mouth of babies. Each body part could be influenced by other milia, and are also common in people who are prone to skin damage due to the heat of the sun. The may appear as reddened or inflamed spots, as well as the usual tiny white or yellow colored bumps. They are usually about one or two millimeters in size and can show up as single bumps or in cluster.

What causes Milia?

Milia are usually caused by dead skin cells, which are trapped on the surface of the skin of a person. They are often appearing around the eyes, nose and chin, and can cause things like excessive sun exposure, or peeling skin too thick. Children can also get their faces from their birth trauma, but adults usually get you in the sweat glands.

Milia is not contagious, painless and totally harmless, but many people do not want it on their skin and they try to remove them at home or by a doctor.

How to Get Rid of Milia

Sometimes milia bumps disappear spontaneously, but other times you will need to seek out a dermatologist to get rid of milia (milia removal). If it is a mild outbreak, you may be able to get rid of these annoying spots through skin exfoliation. In order to try this method, you must follow these steps:

1) Rinse the skin area where you have the milia breakout. Wash the area gently exfoliating product. It does not need to carry around, as this could damage the area more. Then, pat your skin with a soft cloth.

2) Next, put some Vitamin A cream on the area. This type of cream is very good for removing milia and it sometimes also keeps new breakouts from occurring. You can also try facial peels to get rid of milia. Just don’t use them all the time, as overuse can damage your skin.

Consult your Dermatologist for Milia Treatment

If the home method does not work, then you need to see a dermatologist for Milia Treament. This special skin doctor can use stronger types of microderm abrasion or facial peels made of glycolic acid. Or, another milia removal method used by skin doctors is to actually cut out the offending milia bumps by cutting open the skin and using a sort of pressure to pop them out. This extraction method shouldn’t be tried at home, because you could introduce bacteria into the area or damage your skin further.

Speak to a doctor before attempting Milia Removal

Before you try any sort of process to remove milia from your skin, you need to find out for sure the extent of your problem. A dermatologist will examine the milia breakout and make sure that it isn’t some other form of skin problem. A skin doctor can remove milia without causing any scarring if it doesn’t go away on its own.

* The processes used by a doctor usually involve either the aforementioned extraction process, or by laser or cauterization procedures. Some of these procedures may temporarily leave little red marks where the milia were located, but these usually fade in about 24 hours.

Milia Removal – A word of caution

Milia located around the eye or on the eyelid can be problematic when using facial peels or dermabrasions. Visiting a dermatologist for the sterile removal of milia around the immediate eye area is highly recommended. If you question the severity of your milia, it is best to seek medical advice on its treatment and prevention.

In kids you don’t have to be concerned with milia removal as they normally clear up all by themselves in only a few weeks. But with adults, this is not usually the case, and that is why it is sometimes necessary to call in a skin doctor for help. Plus, some to the kinds of milia that adults are afflicted with is more deeply set inside the skin, so a doctor would be needed to remove them. It is dangerous to do it yourself and can cause major scarring.


All in all, milia are a mostly annoying and normally not dangerous condition. However, it is aesthetically undesirable, so if you suffer from milia and wish to remove it, then consider the above choices and decide which one is best for your situation by talking with your doctor.

Source by Jep Black

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