Yellow nails can be a sign of respiratory conditions or fungal infections. Sometimes yellowing begins slowly and progresses over years. As less oxygen flows through the body, the nail bed is not as nourished. The wisdom of the body is to protect the major organs, so if there is not enough oxygen to go around, the parts of the body to suffer first as the extremities.
Clubbing is a term used to describe nails that grow around the tips of the fingers and widen. Clubbing is often seen in cases where there may be lung disease, or again, where oxygen levels are lower. Sometimes clubbing occurs when there is bowel disease of liver problems.
Spooning is used to describe nails that have turned up at the edges, often on both sides. This condition of the nail may be due to iron deficient anemia.
Beau's Lines describe a horizontal depression that may have been caused by injury or a very serious illness which preceded continued nail growth. Horizontal ridges however, could mean that someone is dealing with a serious emotional issue and stress of some kind.
Nails that are Separated from the Nailbed may indicate a thyroid condition, or an infection. Sometimes there is infection along with a thyroid condition. The natural amount of iodine in the blood may be interrupted. Where there is lower levels of iodine in the blood there may also be greater susceptibility to infection.
Vertical Ridges are very common and may not signal any true health concern. Although some authorities believe that lower amounts of calcium and iron could be the cause, there is no evidence that this is true. Many individuals just buff the nails to keep them smooth.
White Spots may be due to injury or poor absorption. Pitting, or small knicks in the nails could mean that one is more prone to skin conditions such as psoriasis or dermatitis.
Brown Streaks not due to injury may mean that someone is dealing with a serious health issue.
Fungal Infections can begin after nail abuse due to nail applications, injury, poor hygiene, or compromised immune system. Some fungal infections are flaky, yellow, cause nail breakage and pulling away from the nailbed. Others may cause green nails and various signs of deterioration of the nail itself.
Please take care of your nails. Wash them and massage them daily with natural oils and creams. Be careful not to injure your nails. Where cotton socks so that your feet breathe if you have nail conditions. Take a multi-vitamin that is rich in B vitamins and calcium.
Protein is also important for the health of the hair, skin and nails, as is, a full complement of minerals such as silica.
Be sure to keep your nails trimmed and filed so that you are not breaking them or catching them on clothes. A torn nail is painful; hitting your nail with a hammer or catching it in a door is excruciating. Our fingers are rich in nerves … healthy nails are beautiful!
Stay well!
For further information about wellness call 847 / 836-8345. Order your own blood tests today.
Source by Janet Angel
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