A lot of people suffer from the embarrassment of dealing with warts. Warts are a result of a skin infection referred to as human papillomavirus (HPV).
You should know that there are numerous different strands of HPV that can cause various conditions from commno skin warts to genital warts, and even some forms of cancer. For the most part, the common skin warts will typically go away on its own eventually.
However, if you don’t use any type of treatment it can take months or even years for them to disappear. The good news is that there are some very useful treatment methods you can use to make these warts disappear from your skin faster.
One of the most important treatment of warts is to keep the warts clean and dry at all times. This is due to the fact that these skin growths will thrive in warm and moist environments.
Most people make the mistake in keeping the warts moisturized which is a bad idea. If you want to eliminate warts you have to keep them sterile and dry until they shrivel up and fall off.
You need to wash the area numerous times each day with plain soap and you can use a soft skin brush every time you cleanse your warts to exfoliate the rough tissue that covers them up. When you are done cleansing you should pat it dry with a clean towel.
Another natural treatment of warts that is effective involves applying hydrogen peroxide with a sterile q tip. Research has shown that when hydrogen peroxide is present on the skin the body responds by sending white blood cells to the affected area.
This collection of white blood cells will eliminate viruses that usually infect the area. By stimulating white blood cell accumulation can really improve the time it takes to cure your warts.
Another effective treatment for warts involves using an acidic solution. The most commonly used acidic treatment for warts is salicylic acid.
You can get some salicylic acid wart treatment in a lot of different stores. Follow the directions to apply the wart removal cream or gel and then tightly cover the warts with a sterile gauze pad and surgical tape before you go to sleep.
Follow this treatment until you see the warts falling off. If you prefer natural treatments of warts you can use apple cider vinegar instead of salicylic acid.
You can also use an aspirin to natural get rid of this skin condition. Simply take an aspirin tablets and damp it in some water. Now put the aspirin mixture on the wart and place a bandage over it. Repeat this treatment until the warts fall off.
Source by John Maddox
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