Do you know that you begin your weight loss program long before you have first foodstuff limitations or physical exercises? As a matter of facts you begin it in the moment when you looking in the mirror understand that things can not go on this way further. You understand that you must take prompt action.
Everybody has it in different way. Some people have strong will and are ready to act decisively. Others have strong « psychological bondage » from food. These people often eat when they are not even really hungry. They simply try to muffle their problems with the meal. But if you do this way problems will remain unsolved and only excess weight problem is added.
In this situation the help of psychologist is needed. But people having « psychological bondage » from food can do something themselves.
I want to give you one very helpful advice. Try to change your attitude to your body. If you want to succeed in weight loss do not avoid your mirror. To look at yourself in the mirror from time to time is much better than stand on scales every hour or measure constantly your waist. You must think this way – « I am pretty enough! I must only correct here and here a bit. » After that find exercises for parts of your figure you want to correct and do them regularly!
Begin your weight loss program from your image. Renew your coiffure. Change the color of your hair. Change the style of your dress. Revise your make-up. May be it is better to highlight eyes and lips?
It will take a little time to change your appearance than to get rid of excess weight. But you will be pleasantly surprised how your body « will try to conform » to your new image. You now have firm understanding that to have fast food in any place completely does not correspond to your new image. You are not fat. You are beautiful elegant woman. Such kind of woman can not have a snack that way. Such kind of woman has their lunch in nice places at the table beautifully laid where plates, forks and knives exist!
You will see that your new image will change your private life. You will notice that now you attract men’s attention. Do not undervalue it. It is not a secret that many women compensate the lack of love with tasty food. If you meet your sweetheart then that will be the end of surfeit habits.
Keep a diary – when and why you ate something not allowed by the weight loss program. You will see clearly why you have the diet « breaks ».
For example: « Yesterday boss shouted on me. I ate a bar of chocolate », or: « Quarrel with husband. Talked about it with a friend and had tea and cake. » This diary can help you to find methods to avoid this kind of problems.
Sometimes it seems to you that you eat nothing but nevertheless do not grow thin. Carry out the experiment. Take a pan and lay down there every piece of food you intend to eat except your weight loss program. You may have tremendous results that explain your weight loss problems after « completely not eating day ».
Begin your day from these words: « I am beautiful. I grow thin because I need it. I want to be slim and elegant. » This auto-training will help you to be steady in your decision. In your decision to be slim and beautiful. You will understand that this is necessary most of all for you.
Be healthy,
Source de Nataly Orlova
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