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[ad_1] According to an old European superstition, you should never cut your fingernails on a Sunday. If you did evil stories would be told about you for a week. Even worse the devil would follow you all week. Cutting fingernails was considered not only work, but also being preoccupied with your outer beauty. This was something that was not tolerated on the day of rest and worship.Cutting your nails on a Friday was equally unlucky. It was said bad luck and sorrow would strike the home if anyone in the household dared to cut their fingernails on a Friday.Friday and Sunday were certainly ruled out for cutting fingernails. Playing it safe, many would wait until Monday before cutting their nails. It was told that Monday before noon was a good time to bring out the scissors and cut those nails. Cut your fingernails early Monday morning and you could expect a…

[ad_1] Manicures were first invented nearly 5000 years ago in India. Since then this beauty practice has spread around the world. Manicures have also evolved with the times and now they include a variety of services that range from nail care treatments to nail beauty treatments.A manicure addresses the needs of fingernails including nail nutrition and maintenance. The most commonly requested manicures include fashion nail treatments, paraffin treatments, and hot oil manicures. The supplies and tools used for these manicure treatments include: warm water finger bath, nail clippers, cuticle knife, hoof stick, nail file, buffer, scissors, brush, cuticle remover, cuticle oil, cuticle cream, massage lotion, nail polish, nail polish remover, air brush, hand cream, sanitizing spray, cotton balls and hand towels.While caring for your fingernails is important it really is only represents half the nail care that is needed. Next you need to take care of your toe nails. To do…

[ad_1] In order to get that elusive perfect shave, the modern man should use a shaving brush. What is the perfect shave? An effortless shave that's baby smooth without any of the redness, irritation or blood that many men have come to expect. The easiest way to get to that perfect shave is with a badger brush. Shaving has three ingredients, a good razor, a good badger hair brush, and a good shaving cream. All too often these days, we forget the brush, and slap some gel on our faces, then rush a razor across. The first step is to take a hot shower. Then, fill the sink with hot, not scaling though, water, and let your badger shaving brush rest in the sink while it fills. Rub some hot water on your face, the key to shaving with a…

[ad_1] If you would like to know how to kill scabies naturally, there are a number of steps you can take. Home treatment for scabies is usually considered to be potentially less harmful than traditional doctor-prescribed treatments which are heavily based around the use of insecticides which are applied directly to the skin.Traditional doctor-prescribed treatments include the use of topically applied insecticides which many consider to be harmful-particularly for children and pregnant women. Some have been associated with life threatening conditions including leukemias and diseases of the nervous system. It is no wonder therefore that increasing numbers of people are looking for natural ways to deal with this common problem.Scabies are caused by a burrowing mite called Sarcoptes Scabiei. It is very easy for scabies to be passed on by wither direct contact with an infected person or by coming into contact with clothing or bedding etc which has been used…

[ad_1] Glamour, fascination, magnetism we ladies want it all. And what’s better to get it in your hands? Nails express freedom. Since art nails are becoming frenzy, playing with tone and textures have become the forte of many. The patterns of artistic nails have become so intricate that it almost looks effortless. The sole idea of art nails is so functional and fun that it leaves you spellbound. Earlier scenario wasn’t the same as it was considered quiet tacky, but now socially inclined people are setting a different benchmark with the craziest and quirkiest designs printed on their nails.The emergence of aesthetics has become simplified and luxurious in this new era. It was also considered as a symbol of elegance before but now shades like neon tangerine, moss green or steel grey has made the market go berserk. Nail paints weren’t a popular culture but the women of this generation are…

[ad_1] A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands enjoyed by both sexes. A manicure can treat just the hands, just the nails, or both. A standard manicure would usually include filing and shaping of the nails and the application of polish. French manicure is the latest and popular method in the nail fashion. A similar treatment performed on the feet is a pedicure. A manicurist can also apply treatments to real nails, such as painting pictures or designs on the nails or applying imitation jewels. French Manicure: 1. Begin by removing any old nail polish with a cotton ball or pad. 2. Next, exfoliate your hands with either a salt or sugar scrub and then rinse thoroughly. 3. Apply a cuticle cream or drop of sweet almond oil to your cuticles.…

[ad_1] All over the world, people love to visit the beach, some more so than others. Whether its a casual summer day out with friends or family, or, in the case of surfers for example, a lifetime obsession with the ocean that draws you to it, most people have probably, at some time, been affected by sunburn, the sand , coral and stinging ocean creatures. Every surfer on the planet has for decades extolled the miraculous virtues of Aloe Vera above any other plant or healing agent. The problem is, however, as every surfer will tell you, that taking aloe vera gel or liquid or even a piece of the plant to the beach is immediate suicide to its effectiveness. This is because when aloe vera in liquid or gel form comes in contact with the air it begins an immediate process of severe…

[ad_1] Skin discoloration should not be a cause for alarm. More often than not, having uneven skin tone or color is caused by factors like over exposure to sunlight, allergic reaction, or the normal processes of aging. However, there are cases where the appearance of patches or discoloration on any area of your skin should prompt you to see your doctor or consult with dermatologists. Among the most notorious skin discolorations are the symptoms brought by tinea versicolor and vitiligo.Tinea VersicolorThis is a skin infection which can heavily affect areas like your stomach, shoulders, and chest among other parts of your body. Even so, this skin disease is considered a fairly common condition. It mainly affects people who are living in places that are warm and with high levels of humidity, particularly young adults and those who are in their adolescent years.Tinea versicolor causes the affected skin areas to become…

[ad_1] Your perfect natural hair color is actually many colors or shades of colors. What happens when your hair begins to whiten, silver, yellow and/or go gray?You do not even notice…not at first. Then someone giggles or ‘nicely’ points out that ‘you are getting old’ or you glance into the mirror when the light is just right.Yikes! You try to ignore your crowning glory fading away or you rush to the store and buy hair dye or go to a hair salon.1. Commercial hair dyes are hazardous to your health.They all say so right on the label.2. Your scalp absorbs all of those chemicals:a. You get toxic!b. You get nerve interruption and start shaking and get misdiagnosed.3. Your dyed hair looks terrible.All of the hair is one color.4. The color of your dyed hair is not the color of the model’s hair, in the picture, on the hair dye box.5. Your…

[ad_1] Nicely pedicured feet and manicured hands can be a turn on for a lot of people. Getting regular manicures and pedicures done will surely show and make your hands and feet look pretty and feel feather soft. This is one beauty treatment that not only makes you look good but rejuvenates your whole body and relaxes your mind.However not many people give a lot of importance to these treatments. For them if you have a good hair style and good make up on, then that is all you need. However if you are all dressed up and beneath your heels people notice dirty feet, that would only leave a bad impression on the people who otherwise may find you very pretty. The very same people would now be shying away from you. On the other hand if you are regular in pedicure and manicure treatments, your hands and feet will…




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